Boil Water Notice on Glenties-Ardara Public Water Supply lifted
Customers on the supply can now resume normal use of the water supply
Information below is relevant until further updates are provided here or on our Supply and Service Updates section.
The Boil Water Notice on the Glenties-Ardara Public Water Supply in County Donegal has been lifted with immediate effect.
Uisce Éireann can confirm that, following consultation with the Health Service Executive, customers on this supply can now resume normal use of the public water supply.
The notice was issued on Friday, 24 January, due to deterioration in the raw water quality impacting the treatment process at the water treatment plant, following on from Storm Éowyn.
Drinking water experts from Uisce Éireann worked to lift the notice as quickly and as safely as possible. Following satisfactory water sampling results, the notice has now been lifted.
Uisce Éireann’s Paul Lyons acknowledged the impact of a Boil Water Notice on customers and thanked the community for their support while the notice was in place.
“Uisce Éireann’s primary focus remains the protection of public health and we worked with our stakeholders to lift the notice as quickly as possible. We are grateful to customers, elected representatives, and the media for their assistance in sharing information on the Boil Water Notice.”
Uisce Éireann is committed to keeping customers informed across multiple platforms 24/7 and we encourage customers to engage with us through our website, X channels @IWCare and @IrishWater, on Facebook and LinkedIn and through our customer care helpline which is open 24/7 on 1800 278 278.
Tá críoch agus deireadh anois díreach leis an bhFógra Fiuchta Uisce ar Sholáthar Uisce Poiblí na nGleanntach - Ard an Rátha
Is féidir le Uisce Éireann a dhearbhú gur ag eascairt as comhairliúchán le Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhíse Sláinte, is féidir le custaiméirí an t-uisce ón soláthar uisce poiblí a úsáid mar is gnách arís.
Eisíodh an fógra Dé hAoine, an 24 Eanáir, mar gheall ar laghdú ar cháilíocht an amhuisce rud a chuaigh i bhfeidhm ar an bpróiseas cóireála san ionad cóireála uisce, tar éis Stoirm Éowyn.
Luígh saineolaithe uisce óil ó Uisce Éireann isteach ar an obair chun deireadh a chur leis an bhfógra chomh luath agus chomh sábháilte agus ab fhéidir é. Tá críoch agus deireadh leis an bhfógra anois toisc go bhfuarthas torthaí sásúla ar an sampláil uisce a rinneadh.
D’aithin Paul Lyons ó Uisce Éireann go ndeachaigh an fógra i bhfeidhm ar chustaiméirí agus ghabh sé buíochas leis an bpobal as a dtacaíocht fad is a bhí an fógra i bhfeidhm.
Is é príomhfhócas Uisce Éireann ná sláinte phoiblí a chosaint agus d’oibríomar i gcomhar lenár bpáirithe leasmhara chun críoch agus deireadh a chur leis an bhfógra chomh tapaidh agus ab fhéidir linn é. Táimid fíorbhuíoch do chustaiméirí, d’ionadaithe tofa, agus do na meáin as cabhair a thabhairt an t-eolas a scaipeadh maidir leis an bhFógra Fiuchta Uisce.
Tá Uisce Éireann tiomanta d’ár gcustaiméirí a choinneáil ar an eolas thar ardáin éagsúla 24/7 agus molaimid do chustaiméirí teagmháil a dhéanamh linn tríd ár láithreán gréasáin, na bealaí X @IWCare agus @IrishWater, ar Facebook, LinkedIn agus tríd ár líne do chúram na gcustaiméirí atá ar fáil 24/7 ar 1800 278 278.
Tá séirbhís téacsteachtaireachta, saor in aisce seolta ag Uisce Éireann a chuireann eolas fíor-ama ar fáil maidir le fadhbanna áitiúla. Is féidir le custaiméirí clárú lena nÉirchód agus lena n-uimhir fón póca ag

Map of the affected area/Léarscáil den limistéar lena mbaineann
Previous Updates
Uisce Éireann wishes to remind customers that the Boil Water Notice to protect the health of customers supplied by Glenties - Ardara Public Water Supply remains in place.
Following on from Storm Éowyn, the notice was issued on Friday, 24 January, due to a deterioration in the raw water quality impacting the treatment process at the water treatment plant.
Customers can check if their property is included by visiting the Water Quality section and entering the property’s Eircode or by calling the Uisce Éireann’s customer care helpline, open 24/7, on 1800 278 278.
Drinking water experts from Uisce Éireann are working to rectify the issues at the treatment plant and lift the notice as quickly and as safely as possible, in consultation with the HSE. In the meantime, all customers on this supply are advised to boil water before use until further notice.
A map of the area impacted is available to view on the supply and service section of our website.
Paul Lyons, Uisce Éireann, regrets the inconvenience to impacted customers. “Public health is Uisce Éireann number one priority and we would like to assure customers that the notices have been put in place to protect public health. We acknowledge the inconvenience caused to homes and businesses and would like to assure customers that we are working to resolve the issue and lift the notice as quickly and as safely possible.”
Uisce Éireann’s drinking water standards, as per EU Drinking Water regulations, are strict and include wide safety margins. Where risks to water quality are identified through Uisce Éireann’s enhanced testing and monitoring programme, the Health Service Executive (HSE) are consulted, and Boil Water Notices are issued to protect public health. In all instances immediate action is taken to address the cause of the issue to enable the lifting of the notice as quickly as it safe to do so, in agreement with the HSE.
Vulnerable customers who have registered with Uisce Éireann receive direct communication on Boil Water Notices. Customers are reminded that the water is safe to consume once boiled.
Water must be boiled for:
- Drinking;
- Drinks made with water;
- Preparation of salads and similar foods, which are not cooked prior to eating;
- Brushing of teeth;
- Making of ice - discard ice cubes in fridges and freezers and filtered water in fridges. Make ice from cooled boiled water.
What actions should be taken:
- Use water prepared for drinking when preparing foods that will not be cooked (e.g. washing salads);
- Water can be used for personal hygiene, bathing and flushing of toilets but not for brushing teeth or gargling;
- Boil water by bringing to a vigorous, rolling boil (e.g. with an automatic kettle) and allow to cool. Cover and store in a refrigerator or cold place. Water from the hot tap is not safe to drink. Domestic water filters will not render water safe to drink;
- Caution should be taken when bathing children to ensure that they do not swallow the bathing water;
- Preparing Infant Formula: Where a Boil Water Notice is in place, you can prepare infant formula from tap water that has been boiled once (rolling boil for 1 minute) and cooled beforehand. Bottled water can also be used to make up infant formula. All bottled water, with the exception of natural mineral water, is regulated to the same standard as drinking water. It is best not to use bottled water labelled as ‘Natural Mineral Water’ as it can have high levels of sodium (salt) and other minerals, although it rarely does. ‘Natural Mineral Water’ can be used if no other water is available, for as short a time as possible, as it is important to keep babies hydrated. If bottled water is used to make up infant formula it should be boiled once (rolling boil for 1 minute), and cooled in the normal way. Ready-to-use formula that does not need added water can also be used.
- Great care should be taken with boiled water to avoid burns and scalds as accidents can easily happen, especially with children.
Uisce Éireann is committed to keeping customers informed across multiple platforms 24/7 and we encourage customers to engage with us through our website, X channels @IWCare and @IrishWater, on Facebook and LinkedIn and through our customer care helpline which is open 24/7 on 1800 278 278.
Uisce Éireann has launched a free text service, providing real-time updates for local issues. Customers can sign up with their Eircode and mobile number here.
As a result of Storm Éowyn, a Boil Water Notice (BWN) is being issued to protect the health of approximately 3,576 customers due to a deterioration in the raw water quality impacting the treatment process at the water treatment plant following last night’s storm.
Customers can check if their property is included by visiting the Water Quality section and entering the property’s Eircode or by calling the Uisce Éireann’s customer care helpline, open 24/7, on 1800 278 278.
Drinking water experts from Uisce Éireann are working to rectify the issues at the treatment plant and lift the notice as quickly and as safely as possible, in consultation with the HSE. In the meantime, all customers on this supply are advised to boil water before use until further notice.
Paul Lyons, Uisce Éireann, regrets the inconvenience to impacted customers. He said: “Public health is Uisce Éireann's number one priority and we would like to assure customers that the notice has been put in place to protect public health. We acknowledge the inconvenience caused to homes and businesses and would like to assure customers that we are working to resolve the issue and lift the notice as quickly and as safely possible.”
Uisce Éireann’s drinking water standards, as per EU Drinking Water regulations, are strict and include wide safety margins. Where risks to water quality are identified through Uisce Éireann’s enhanced testing and monitoring programme, the Health Service Executive (HSE) are consulted and Boil Water Notices are issued to protect public health. In all instances immediate action is taken to address the cause of the issue to enable the lifting of the notice as quickly as it safe to do so, in agreement with the HSE.
Vulnerable customers who have registered with Uisce Éireann receive direct communication on Boil Water Notices. Customers are reminded that the water is safe to consume once boiled.
Water must be boiled for:
- Drinking;
- Drinks made with water;
- Preparation of salads and similar foods, which are not cooked prior to eating;
- Brushing of teeth;
- Making of ice - discard ice cubes in fridges and freezers and filtered water in fridges. Make ice from cooled boiled water.
What actions should be taken:
- Use water prepared for drinking when preparing foods that will not be cooked (e.g. washing salads);
- Water can be used for personal hygiene, bathing and flushing of toilets but not for brushing teeth or gargling;
- Boil water by bringing to a vigorous, rolling boil (e.g. with an automatic kettle) and allow to cool. Cover and store in a refrigerator or cold place. Water from the hot tap is not safe to drink. Domestic water filters will not render water safe to drink;
- Caution should be taken when bathing children to ensure that they do not swallow the bathing water;
- Preparing Infant Formula: Where a Boil Water Notice is in place, you can prepare infant formula from tap water that has been boiled once (rolling boil for 1 minute) and cooled beforehand. Bottled water can also be used to make up infant formula. All bottled water, with the exception of natural mineral water, is regulated to the same standard as drinking water. It is best not to use bottled water labelled as ‘Natural Mineral Water’ as it can have high levels of sodium (salt) and other minerals, although it rarely does. ‘Natural Mineral Water’ can be used if no other water is available, for as short a time as possible, as it is important to keep babies hydrated. If bottled water is used to make up infant formula it should be boiled once (rolling boil for 1 minute), and cooled in the normal way. Ready-to-use formula that does not need added water can also be used.
- Great care should be taken with boiled water to avoid burns and scalds as accidents can easily happen, especially with children.
Customers can stay informed about their local water supply via Uisce Éireann’s X feed, @IWCare, or by signing up for our free text alert service. Alternatively get in touch via our 24/7 customer care centre at 1800 278 278.
De thoradh ar Stoirm Éowyn, tá fógra fiuchta uisce á eisiúint d’fhonn sláinte tuairim is 3,576 custaiméir a chosaint mar gheall ar cháilíocht laghdaithe ar an amh uisce, rud atá ag cur isteach ar an bpróiseas cóireála san ionad cóireála uisce tar éis stoirm na hoíche aréir.
Is féidir le custaiméirí seiceáil a dhéanamh cibé an bhfuil a n-áitreabh faoi réir an fhógra trí chuairt a thabháirt ar Water Quality section agus a nÉircód a chur isteach nó trí ghlaoch a chur ar líne chabhrach do Churam Chustaiméirí Uisce Éireann, ar fáil 24/7, ar 1800 278 278.
Tá saineolaithe uisce ó Uisce Éireann ag obair chun na deachrachtaí a réiteach ag an ionad cóireála agus deireadh a chur leis an bhfógra a luaithe agus is féidir é; i gcomhar le Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhíse Sláinte. Idir na dá linn, moltar do gach uile chustaiméir ar an soláthar seo a gcuid uisce a fhiuchadh sula n-úsáidfear é go dtí go moltar a mhalairt.
Deir Paul Lyons, ó Uisce Éireann, go bhfuil brón air faoin gcur isteach ar na custaiméirí atá faoi réir an fhógra. Dúirt sé: “Is í sláinte phoiblí príomhthosaíocht Uisce Éireann agus is mian linn custaiméirí a chur ar a suaimhneas gur cuireadh an fógra seo i bhfeidhm d’fhonn sláinte phoiblí a chosaint. Is mian linn leithscéal a ghabháil as aon chur isteach ar theaghlaigh agus ar ghnónna agus is mian linn custaiméirí a chur ar a suaimhneas go bhfuilimid ag obair chun an scéal a réiteach agus deireadh a chur leis an bhfógra a luaithe agus comh sábháilte agus is féidir é a dhéanamh.”
Tagann caighdeáin uisce óil Uisce Éireann le rialacháin Uisce Óil an AE. Is caighdeáin dhochta iad agus áirítear leo lamhálacha leathana sábháilteachta. I gcás go n-aithnítear rioscaí do chaighdeán an uisce, trí chlár feabhsaithe tástála agus monatóireachta, téitear i gcomhairle le Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhíse Sláinte agus eisítear Fógra Fiuchta Uisce chun sláinte an phobail a chosaint. I ngach uile chás téitear i mbun gnímh láithreach bonn chun dul i ngleic le húdar na faidhbe d’fhonn deireadh a chur leis an bhfógra a luaithe agus atá sé sábháilte é sin a dhéanamh, déantar sin le comhaontú ó Fheidhmeannacht na Seirbhíse Sláinte.
Faigheann custaiméirí leochaileacha atá cláraithe le hUisce Éireann cumarsáid dhíreach uaidh maidir le Fógraí Fiuchta Uisce. Meabhraítear do chustaiméirí go bhfuil sé sábháilte an t-uisce a ól nuair a fiuchtar é roimhré.
Ní foláir uisce a fhiuchadh:
- Chun t-uisce a ól
- Do dheochanna déanta le huisce;
- Chun sailéid agus bianna comhchosúla a ullmhú, más rud é nach ndéanfar iad a chócaráil sula n-íosfar iad;
- Fiacla a scuabadh;
- Oighear a dhéanamh - Caith amach ciúbanna oighir i gcuisneoirí agus i reoiteoirí agus uisce scagtha i gcuisneoirí. Déan oighear as uisce fiuchta fuaraithe.
Na gníomhartha is gá a dhéanamh:
- Úsáid uisce ullmhaithe má táthar chun é a ól agus nuair atá bianna á n-ullmhú nach gcócarálfar (mar shampla sailéid a ní);
- Is féidir uisce a úsáid do shláinteachas pearsanta, folcthaí agus chun leithris a shruthlú ach ná húsáidfear é chun fiacla a scuabadh nó chun béal duine a fholcadh;
- Cuir uisce ar fiuchadh go dtí go mbeidh gal leanúnach uaidh agus lig dó fuarú ina dhiaidh sin. Clúdaigh agus stóráil i gcuisneoir nó in áit fuar é. Níl sé sábháilte uisce ón sconna te a ól. Ní fhágfaidh scagairí uisce tí go bhfuil an t-uisce sábháilte lena ól;
- Ba chóir a bheith cúramach agus tú ag folcadh páistí le cinntiú nach slogfaidís an t-uisce folctha.
- Foirmle do Naíonáin a Ullmhú: Nuair atá Fógra Fiuchta Uisce i bhfeidhm, is féidir foirmle do naíonáin a ullmhú le huisce ón sconna más rud é gur cuireadh ar fiuchadh é uair amháin (fiuchadh leanúnach ar feadh 1 nóiméad) agus gur ligeadh dó fuarú roimh ré. Is féidir foirmle do naíonáin a ullmhú le huisce i mbuidéil. Rialaítear uisce i mbuidéil, seachas uisce mianraí nádúrtha ar an gcaighdeán céanna le huisce óil. Is fearr gan uisce i mbuidéil a bhfuil lipéad ‘Uisce Mianraí Nádúrtha’ air a úsáid toisc go bhféadfadh leibhéil arda sóidiam (salann) agus mianraí eile a bheith ann, cé nach minic a bhíonn sé i gceist.
- Is féidir ‘Uisce Mianraí Nádúrtha’ a úsáid mura bhfuil aon uisce eile ann, don tréimhse is lú ama is féidir; tá sé fíorthábhachtach go mbeadh a ndóthain le hól ag naíonáin. Má úsáidtear uisce i mbuidéil chun foirmle a dhéanamh do naíonáin ba chóir é a chur ar fiuchadh uair amháin (fiuchadh leanúnach ar feadh 1 nóiméad), agus ligean dó fuarú mar is iondúil. Is féidir leas a bhaint as foirmle réidh-le-húsáid nach gá a thuilleadh uisce a chur leis.
- Ní mór a bheith fíor-chúramach le huisce fiuchta chun dónna agus scalltaí a sheachaint toisc gur féidir le timpistí tarlú go héasca, go háirithe nuair a bhíonn leanaí i gceist.
Is féidir le custaiméirí gach eolas a fháil maidir lena soláthar áitiúil trí chuairt a thabhairt ar, trí sreach fhéachaint a thabhairt ar X feed, @IWCare, nó trí chlárú leis an tseirbhís teacsteachtaireachta, atá saor in aisce, tríd an láithreán gréasáin, nó déan teagmháil linn tríd an ionad cúraim custaiméara ar 1800278 278.
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