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Avoca Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

Water Supply Project

Uisce Éireann has upgraded the water treatment plant in Avoca, Co. Wicklow to benefit over 1,400 customers supplied by the Avoca-Ballinaclash water supply scheme.

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Wicklow County Council, has invested €650,000 to upgrade the water treatment plant in Avoca, Co. Wicklow. This project will benefit over 1,400 customers in the Avoca-Ballinaclash area to ensure the delivery of a clean, safe drinking water source and remove the area off the EPA's Remedial Action List (RAL).

The water treatment processes at the plant were inadequate in protecting against the formation of elevated concentrations of Trihalomethanes (THMs). The completed upgrades have modernised and improved the water treatment process at the plant and will result in the removal of the water supply off the EPA's RAL. The works were carried out by EPS Group Limited on behalf of Uisce Éireann.

Water in a rectangular metal container

What is involved?

  • Installed Raw Water Controls and Raw Water Storage Tanks
  • Upgraded Chemical dosing systems
  • Installed a new Clarification and Filtration process
  • Installed an Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection process and upgraded the existing disinfection system
  • Upgraded the control and monitoring systems to improve the performance of the plant


  • Enable the removal of the Avoca-Ballinaclash water supply from the EPA's Remedial Action List (RAL)
  • Safeguard the water supply to this area
  • Improve water quality and water treatment standards
  • Ensure compliance with current drinking water quality regulations

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