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Duleek to Navan Trunk Watermain

Uisce Éireann is installing a new 16km regional trunk watermain from Duleek to Navan in County Meath, to safeguard water supply in Navan.

In progress

Uisce Éireann is progressing the Duleek to Navan Trunk Watermain project, which is one of a number of strategically important projects underway to increase the security and resilience of drinking water supply across County Meath.

This project represents an investment of €41m to safeguard the water supply to homes and businesses in Navan. Coffey Construction Ltd. has been awarded the contract to deliver this new infrastructure on Uisce Éireann's behalf.

The provision of this new 16km regional trunk watermain and pumping station will create a strategic link between the Staleen Water Treatment Plant Network, at a point just south of Duleek, and the Proudstown and Carn Hill Reservoirs which provide treated water storage for Navan.

Duleek - Navan

What are the benefits of this project?

When complete, this new infrastructure will help Uisce Éireann:

  • Maintain drinking water supply to Navan if there is any planned or unplanned disruption at Navan's Liscarton Water Treatment Plant.
  • Support social and economic growth, including housing development in Navan, which has seen unprecedented growth in recent years

What is involved as part of this project?

The proposed works will involve the construction of 16km of new regional trunk watermain in the following existing public roads between Duleek and Navan:

  • L1610 Boolies Little (South of Duleek) to the junction with the N2 at Balrath
  • R153 Balrath to Kentstown
  • R153 Kentstown to Casey's Cross, Navan
  • Local roads linking Carn Hill Reservoir to Proudstown Reservoir

The proposed works will also require a crossing under the River Boyne and under the Navan to Drogheda railway line. However, to minimise the impact to the community and the environment, it is planned to deliver both crossings using trenchless pipeline installation techniques. Coffey Construction Ltd. are due to commence works on this project in Q2 2024. It is anticipated that the project will be complete by the end of 2025.

What is happening next?

As the new regional trunk watermain will be installed in public roads, this project will require a significant amount of traffic management, which will be implemented in consultation with Meath County Council. A number of road closures will be required throughout the delivery of the project.

Current Traffic Management measures

The road closure on the R153 (from its junction with R147 at Timmons Hill to its junction with R150 at Kentstown) is now complete. 

As part of the next phase of works, two smaller temporary road closures are commencing.

1. R153/R150 Junction in Kentstown to R153/N2 Balrath Cross Junction until 27th January 2025.
As part of these works traffic lights will be in operation in Kentstown Village for approx. 1 week at the R150/R153 junction.

Road Closure

Map of Road Closure - R153 Kentstown to Balrath Crossroads

Alternative Routes 

At R153/R150 junction in Kentstown take R150 to its junction with N2 at Flemingstown, turn right onto N2 and continue southbound to its junction with R153 at Balrath Cross. 

At R153/N2 Balrath Cross junction take N2 northbound to its junction with R150 at Flemingstown, turn left onto R150 and continue to its junction with R153 in Kentstown.

2. Old Road Junction L34001 to Hodgett Rd until 30th November 2024

Access for residents, businesses and property holders will be facilitated throughout the closure period. We apologise for any inconvenience this necessary work causes and we would like to thank the community for their continued patience and cooperation while we deliver this essential project for Navan.

Stakeholder Engagement

There will be regular engagement with the community throughout the duration of the project. Coffey Construction Ltd. has a full time Community Liaison Officer (CLO) on the contract who is available to address any queries or concerns in relation to the works: 086 1914043.

Long-term Plans for Co. Meath

This project is one of several strategically important drinking water projects planned or underway by Uisce Éireann in County Meath. The Duleek to Navan Trunk Watermain is in line with Uisce Éireann's strategic plans to improve resilience in the network and reduce the number of isolated water resource zones where large populations are vulnerable to interruption to supply. 

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