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Kinsealy Local Network Reinforcement Project

Wastewater Treatment

Uisce Éireann has completed works on a major wastewater project in the Kinsealy area.

The scheme included the construction of a new pumping station with emergency storage tank, gravity inlet sewer, emergency overflow pipeline, 1.75 km of rising sewer main along Chapel Road and Drumnigh Road and decommissioning of existing pumping station at Kinsealy Lane. A further 380 metres of new Sewer Gravity Mains in fields and Public roadways and a pumping station off Chapel Road has been constructed.

The project was completed in 2021 as part of Uisce Éireann's Growth and Development Programme.


Think before you flush

Uisce Éireann is supporting Clean Coasts to raise awareness and reduce these issues through the 'Think Before You Flush' and 'Think Before You Pour' campaigns.

Think Before You Flush is a public awareness campaign about the problem sanitary products and other items can cause in our marine environment and our wastewater systems if they are flushed down the toilet.

More information

For further information you can contact the Project Team at

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