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Spiddal Sewerage Scheme

Wastewater Project

Uisce Éireann, in partnership with Galway County Council has completed works on the Spiddal Sewerage Scheme Network.

The newly upgraded wastewater treatment plant and associated infrastructure will bring benefits to Spiddal in terms of health, integrity of the environment and improved water quality for all. This project will stop the discharge of over 600 wheelie bins of raw sewage into Galway Bay per day.

Three men holding a sign reading "Ár dtimpeallacht a chosaint" on a beach

What was involved as part of this project?

As part if this €4.9 million project, Uisce Éireann:

  • Constructed a new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) that will serve a population equivalent of 1000.
  • A new below-ground pumping station including pumps, mechanical plant and a storm water storage tank.
  • Sewer pipelines to bring untreated wastewater to the WWTP and treated water to the outfall pipeline.
  • A new outfall pipeline to discharge treated wastewater from the new WWTP to the existing marine outfall.

What are the benefits of this project?

The upgrade works carried out as part of this project will now:

  • Improve water quality and integrity of Galway Bay benefitting fishing and other water sports.
  • Enhance Spiddal's amenity value due to a cleaner environment, and thus act as a platform for social and economic development.
  • Ensure that wastewater will be treated in accordance with EU Urban Wastewater Treatment Directives and Environmental Protection Agency wastewater discharge licensing.

For further information you can contact the Project Team at

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