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Towns and Villages Progressing through alternative Uisce Éireann investment programmes

Updated September 2024

LASettlementCurrent Project StageUÉ delivery programme
FingalOldtownStage 3National Certificate of Authorisation Programme
GalwayMountbellewStage 3ECI programme
CarlowKildavinStage 3National Recovery and Resilience Plan
CarlowTinrylandStage 3National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Stage 2 (Waste Water)

Stage 2 (Water Supply)

Capital Investment Plan (Waste Water)

Rationalisation programme (Water Supply)

LimerickDromcolliherStage 3Capital Investment Plan
WaterfordClonea PowerStage 3National Recovery and Resilience Plan
MeathBallivor (Water Supply only)Stage 3Capital Investment Plan
WicklowRathdrum (Water Supply only)Stage 3Capital Investment Plan
WicklowDunlavin (Water Supply only)Stage 3Capital Investment Plan
LimerickRathkeale (Water Supply only)Stage 4Source Protection programme

Uisce Éireann Project Stages

The Public Spending Code, published in December 2019, sets out the rules and procedures on expenditure on capital projects across the Irish public service. The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage issued the "Water Services Sector Specific Guidelines on the Public Spending Code: Management of Public Investment in Irish Water" on 19 July 2022. As a body in receipt of public funding, we must comply, as appropriate, with the relevant requirements of the Public Spending Code.

The Public Spending Code has a multi-stage approvals process to facilitate the delivery of a capital project and we align our internal approvals process to these project lifecycle stages. The project stages must be adhered to and are subject to procurement, planning, legal and environmental regulations.

While we allocate the necessary funding and resources to projects, it takes a number of years to bring a project through all of these stages.


Stage 1: Strategic Assessment

At this stage, our team develops the project rationale and objectives, project outcomes, long list of potential options and indicative range of costs.


Stage 2: Preliminary Business Case

At this stage, our team undertakes detailed analysis, develops a short list of solutions and finds the preferred option from the short list of projects. This stage also includes estimating the total cost of the project.


Stage 3: Final Business Case

At this stage, the project progresses through detailed design and statutory approvals, after which the tender process for the procurement of a contractor to deliver the project is also completed.


Stage 4: Implementation (Construction)

This involves the construction stage where the contractor is physically building the project and it typically includes commissioning of the works at the end of the construction stage.

stage 1 strategic assessment stage 2 preliminary business care stage 3 stage 4 implementation construction is all written above circles depicting each stage