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Conserve in Your Business

Find useful advice to help reduce the amount of water you use in your business and in your home.

Conserving water in your business will not only help protect your local supply, it will also protect the environment, boost your reputation and reduce your water bills.

You can also download and print our Help Conserve Water leaflet to make colleagues aware of the scarcity of water and the benefits that conserving water can have for both your company and the environment.

Conduct a water audit

The first thing we recommend is carrying out a water audit on your business. This will show where the major water use is coming from and where savings can be made.

An audit can be done by the business owner, facilities manager or a member of staff. This could be an opportunity to appoint a water champion or steward. Larger businesses will often procure external specialists in water audits and bespoke solutions.

Invest in water efficient devices and appliances

You can consider upgrading to more water efficient appliances. For example water efficient taps, shower heads, toilets, and dishwashers can make a big difference.

Go waterless

Choosing to implement waterless processes can dramatically reduce your company's water footprint. This can include air-vacuums, high-pressure air jets, and dry sweeping.

Low maintenance plants

If there are plants within the building, try to choose ones that need less water i.e. cacti, peace lilies, aloe vera and jade plants. If you have outdoor plants, water them in the morning before the sun gets too hot and evaporates the water.

Three glasses of water on a table

Simple changes

There are cheaper alternatives too. You can retrofit a dual flush system into older toilets or invest in toilet cistern bags. Businesses with showers may also wish to invest in shower timers. Find out more about water saving devices.

Reuse your water


Harvest rainwater

A rainwater harvesting system or water butt can be put in place to make the most of the rainwater falling on your premises. You can install systems that allow you to use rainwater in your toilets, dishwashers, and showers. A simple water butt can provide water for watering plants and gardens, or even washing windows and cars.


Grey water system

Used water within your business is known as greywater. It is made up of wastewater from sinks, shower drains or washing machines. Instead of flushing it down the drain, businesses can install greywater systems to collect and reuse this wastewater. It is mainly used for flushing toilets, watering plants, and washing external areas of the building.

Change how you think


Encourage colleagues

Make colleagues aware of the scarcity of water and the benefits that conserving water can have for both your company and the environment. Signage in staff kitchens or toilets helps to remind people to turn off taps or use low flush options.


Appoint water stewards

Maintenance staff, cleaners, utility managers and FM contractors etc may have experience in water conservation. Ask them for advice and ask if they would like to become water stewards by identifying water saving opportunities and sharing their knowledge with other staff.


Be mindful

Reconsider habits such as the frequency you wash building exteriors, clean windows or wash vehicles. Where possible, limit the use of power washers as they use large amounts of water.


Keep your drains clean

You should also look at what is being poured down your drains. The build up of fats, oils and grease (FOG) can cause serious blockages.

Stop the leaks

Did you know that checking for and repairing leaks around your home could save up to 19,000 litres of water a year. The same applies to any business. If you think you may have a leak internally it may be worth hiring a plumber to find and fix the leaks. Even though this has an upfront cost, it can lead to huge savings in the long-term by reducing you water waste and therefore your water charges.

Leak allowances

If you are a Business Customer and believe you have been affected by a leak after the 1st January 2014, you can contact Uisce Éireann to determine if you are eligible for a reduction on your bill. Please be aware that before any bill reduction can be agreed, you must have identified and repaired the leak and ideally have this evidenced by way of a plumber's report.

If the leak has been identified but not yet repaired, you should advise your plumber that any report should include: confirmation that the leak has been identified and repaired; the date of repair; the meter read after the repair; the plumber's signature with a valid VAT / CRO number or company stamp. Uisce Éireann must also be satisfied that the meter readings reflect that the leak has been rectified. Further information is available by contacting Uisce Éireann on 0818 778 778.

Learn more about conservation

By conserving water, using only what we need in our homes and businesses, we can all contribute to building a sustainable water supply for everyone.